Making a fine point
Oct 1, 2013

Sweet success is in store
Sep 1, 2013
New take on an ancient tradition
Aug 1, 2013Which floor do your toes prefer to tread on: fluffy carpet, polished wood or tatami? A...
Tiny traditions kept alive in carving
Jul 1, 2013Once an essential dress accessory, netsuke fell out of fashion in Japan along with the kimono....
Bottling up mother nature
Jun 1, 2013The waterfalls at Nunobiki are a popular tourist attraction in Kobe. As well as photographing them,...
A centenary of song
May 1, 2013It’s been 100 years since the president of Hankyu Railways started an all-female troupe to draw...
Bags of charm
Mar 1, 2013Ever wondered about those boxy backpacks that pretty much all elementary school kids in Japan have?...
Stick it to ‘em
Feb 1, 2013Osaka is home to one of Japan’s biggest confectionery companies, Ezaki Glico - you know, the...