Sep 22, 2015City running, trail running, marathons, and more – there are endless running opportunities to choose from...
Beer Lingo
Aug 13, 2015There are dozens, if not hundreds of brewing styles, and each country, district, prefecture, and brewery...
Step up to the plate!
Jul 13, 2015Baseball, (yakyuu), has been around in Japan since the late 19th century and is a dominant...
Tram Talk
Jun 13, 2015Tram, trolley, streetcar – whatever your preference in English, the technical word in Japanese is romen...
May 4, 2015Kansai’s celebrating milestones all round this year. Kansai Scene’s 15th, outdone only slightly by the temple...
Nice Ink!
Apr 22, 2015The art of tattooing goes back thousands of years and has been cultivated by many cultures...
Language of Love
Feb 16, 2015Valentine’s day in Japan doesn’t have to be just a couples’ affair. If you’re up for...
Listen up!
Feb 13, 2015For many schools, the 2014-15 academic year is ending and making way for the 2015-16 one...
Feeling lucky?
Jan 1, 2015あけましておめでとう! (Happy new year!) If you’re celebrating the new year in Japan, then you need to...
Spreading Holiday Cheer
Dec 1, 2014The red leaves of autumn have come and gone and the cool winter winds have whistled...