What’s the craic?
There aren’t many days of the year when one wishes to be Irish, but without a doubt St Patrick’s Day is one of them. All that singing, dancing, beer guzzling and general craicmaking is enough to make the rest of us want to put on a leprechaun costume and get in on the love-in. Luckily, this celebration has made it all the way to Kansai, with a slew of activities planned in the days surrounding 17th March (see News on page 7). So when you soon find yourself clutching a Guinness, belting out an Irish ditty while armin- arm with a new bestie, these phrases might just come in handy…
Have you ever been to Ireland? | アイルランドに行っ たことありますか。 | Airurando ni itta koto arimasu ka? |
Today is St. Patrick’s Day! | 今日はセント・ パトリック・デーだ! | Kyo wa sento patorikkusu dei da! |
No, I’m not from Ireland. I’m from…(add your country). | 僕はアイルランド人 ではないです。 (国名)人です。 | Boku wa Airurandojin de wa nai desu. (kuni mei) jin desu. |
Green looks great on you. | グリーンが 似合いますね。 | Gureen ga niaimasu ne! |
Would you like a Guinness? | ギネスは飲みま すか。 | Ginesu wa nomimasu ka? |
I’ll have a water instead of Guinness. | ギネスよりお水が 良いです。 | Ginesu yori omizu ga ii desu. |
Are you feeling the craic? | 楽しんでる? | Tanoshinderu? |
Do you like Irish music? | アイリッシュミュー ジックは好き ですか? | Airurisshu myujikku wa suki desu ka? |
Craic | クラック | Kurakku |