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Kansai Scene Magazine

Kansai Scene distribution criteria

As of July 2017, Kansai Scene has revised its distribution criteria to increase availability to its core demographic – English speaking foreign tourists and expat residents of the Kansai region of Japan.

Our focus is now on distributing Kansai Scene to hotels and guesthouses, public information centers and stores, cafes, museums and other highly visible locations that are readily accessible by the public and/or experience heavy foot traffic. Distribution to English schools and other private businesses will be phased out by the end of 2017 and copies re-distributed to our core distribution points.

If you think your business or service falls under this category and would like to begin receiving Kansai Scene, please complete our Distribution Enquiry form and we will be happy to begin sending you copies each month, pending availability.

If you are an individual and find it hard to get your hands on a copy each month, please consider taking out an individual subscription.



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