Fall Fun and Frenzy
One of Japan’s two favorite times of year has returned – aki (autumn) is beckoning us outdoors and Kansai boasts an endless array of momijigari (leaf-watching) places to go and admire it. But if you’re not sure where to go, how to get there, or where to take the best photo – you only have to ask! See our recommendations on page 14.
Don’t forget to try out the fabulous autumn culinary treats and omiyage (souvenirs); kuri-kinton (boiled chestnuts mashed with sugar and twisted in fabric into a raindrop shape); wagashi kuri manju (Japanese chestnut cake; and ohagi (sweet red bean paste and mochi – pounded rice), just to name just a few.
Whether you’re braving the Kyoto crowds for popular colorful leaf spots, or searching for a quieter experience along paths less trodden, here is some Japanese that could help you along the way. Happy leaf-watching!
Useful Expressions
kouyou | こうよう | colorful leaves |
momiji | もみじ | Japanese maple leaves |
Is there a good spot to see autumn leaves around here? | このへんで こうようの めいしょ は ありますか? | Konohen de kouyou no meisho wa arimasuka? |
Do you think I could get some nice photos there? | いい しゃしんが とれそう ですか? | Ii shashin ga toresou desuka? |
Is it walking distance? | あるいて いけますか? | Aruite ikemasuka? |
Should I ride my bicycle there? | じてんしゃに のった ほう が いいですか? | Jitensha ni notta houga iidesuka? |
Where’s your favorite autumn leaf spot? | いちばん だいすき な こうようの スポッ ト は どこ ですか? | Ichiban daisuki na kouyou no spotto wa doko desuka? |
How do you get there by train? | でんしゃで どう いきますか? | Densha de dou ikimasuka? |
Is it crowded? | こんで いますか? | Konde imasuka? |
Do you know of a less-crowded spot? | あまり こんで いない ところ を しってますか? | Amari konde inai tokoro o shittemasuka? |
Do you know if there’s wheelchair access? | くるまいす でも いけますか? | Kurumaisu demo ikemasuka? |
Is there much parking available? | じゅうぶんな ちゅうしゃじょう は ありますか? | Juubun na chuushajou wa arimasuka? |
What’s the weather going to be like this weekend? | こん しゅうまつの てんきは ど う なりますか? | Kon shuumatsu no tenki wa dou narimasuka? |
Are there any special autumn snacks or foods I should try? | なにか あきの たべもので たべた ほ うが いいもの ありますか? | Nanika aki no tabemono de tabeta houga iimono arimasuka? |
Do you like momiji tempura? | もみじ てんぷらは すき ですか? | Momiji tempura wa suki desuka? |