Chatter by the Cherry Tree
Ohanami (cherry-blossom picnic) season is now in full swing!
TV and online flower forecasts are charting the progress of the sakura zensen (cherry-blossom front) as it gradually blooms its way up from Kyushu to Hokkaido over the course of the month, leaving a sea of blue tarps and a slew of sloshed salarymen in its petal-spotted tracks.
But it’s not just the salarymen out in the parks propped up against tree trunks – this time-honored Japanese custom is shared by families, students, friends, and foreigners alike. It can be a serious business too, with groups sending a member out to the hanami site early in the morning to basho tori (claim) a prime picnic possie.
Armed with tasty hanami bento (picnic lunchboxes) and endless supplies of ocha (tea), biru (beer) and nihon-shu (Japanese liquor), there’s no better way to spend a spring day. Whoever you find yourself exchanging sake and wagashi (traditional Japanese sweets) with, allow your Japanese to blossom with these handy hanami phrases.
Useful Expressions
Here’s a good spot. | ここはいい場所です。 | Koko wa ii basho desu. |
I’ve been here since 7am. | 朝7時からきているよ。 | Asa shichi-ji kara kiteiru yo. |
Are we allowed to barbecue here? | ここでバーベキューをしても大丈夫ですか? | Koko de barbekyu wo shitemo daijyobu desu ka? |
Looks like the cherry blossoms are in full bloom. | 桜は満開みたいですね。 | Sakura wa mankai mitai desu ne. |
More sake please! | もっと酒をください。 | Motto sake o kudasai. |
Chug! | 一気! | Ikki! |
I’m not a strong drinker. | お酒は弱いです。 | Osake wa yowai desu. |
Can I have a rice cake please? | お餅をください。 | Omochi o kudasai. |
Can you please pass me a paper plate? | 紙皿を取ってくれる? | Kami-zara o totte kureru? |
Here, have a rice ball. | おにぎりをどうぞ。 | Onigiri wo dozo. |
Wow! Did you make these yourself? | すごい! 自分で作ったの? | Sugoi! Jibun de tsukutta no? |
This is delicious! | これはおいしいです。 | Kore wa oishii desu! |
Let’s make sure we take all the trash with us. | ゴミは必ず持ち帰りましょう。 | Gomi wa kanarazu mochi kaerimasho! |
I think I’m drunk. | よっぱらったみたいです。 | Yopparatta mitai desu. |