Puppy love
Japan is a country enamoured by four-legged friends. Anybody who has visited a park would have seen dachshunds being pushed around in strollers by octogenarians, or corgis curled up contentedly in the baskets of bicycles. The nation’s love for dogs is fueling an industry devoted entirely to luxury accessories and treatments (see our feature on page 12). Believe it or not, you can check your pooch into a hotel and pick them up a pair of shoes at the same time. And while this extreme pampering exists, there is also a very real problem of animal neglect, which we explore on page 7. In honour of Valentine’s Day, we celebrate the creatures that love us unconditionally: smart, loyal, and loving dogs.
Pooch / Doggie / Dog | ワンちゃん/愛犬/犬 | Wanchan / Ai ken / Inu |
Veterinary surgery / Animal Hospital | 動物病院 | Doubutsu Byouin |
What’s its name? | 名前は何ですか | Namae wa nan desu ka? |
What breed is your dog? | 何犬ですか | Nani ken desu ka? |
How old is your dog? | 何歳ですか | nan sai desu ka? |
Where did you get it? | どこで購入しましたか | Doko de kounyu shimashita ka? |
Can your dog do any tricks? | 何か芸はできますか | Nanika gei wa dekimasu ka? |
Who is your veterinarian? | どこの動物病院に行っ てますか | Doko no doubutsubyouin ni ittemasu ka? |