Write for human rights
UMEDA — International Human Rights Day is on December 10. Amnesty International, the world’s largest human rights group, organizes a global “Write-a-thon” in which millions of people worldwide join together to speak out (“write out”!) about human rights abuses. Amnesty International Japan, Group 95 (Kansai English language group) participates with a focused, but relaxed, social WRITE-FOR-RIGHTS! event. It will be held at The Blarney Stone in Umeda on December 8, Sunday, 3pm to 5:45pm, but feel free to drop in any time to meet the group. It’s a free event and there’s no need to RSVP. All writing materials and information in English and Japanese will be supplied, but writing is not required for participation. Feel free to come just for information or fun. For more information check the Facebook Event page or call or email Louisa from the team. Email: Tel: Louise: 072-258-3560