Don’t slip up
It’s December and the excitement of winter is starting to build. The jackets and gloves are out, Umeda is alive with snowmen, and every shop window is a wonderland of white tinsel, icy ribbons and dustings of fake snow. But while all this Christmas imagery is fun to look at, the fact remains that we are merely observing, rather than living, the best winter has to offer. Luckily, we in Kansai are only a short trip away from some excellent resorts (スキー場 sukii jyo) (see our Biwako story on page 12) where you can snap on some skis (スキー sukii) or hop on a board (スノーボード suno-bo-do), and carve into the freshest of powder. Just make sure you know your level (reberu) so you can choose the most appropriate ski runs (ゲ レンデ gerende). And after you’ve gotten chilly on the slopes, a soak in a hot spring (温泉 onsen) will be the perfect end to the perfect day.
Vocab and phras
To ski/snowboard (lit. to slide) |
滑る | suberu |
It’s snowing! | 雪が降っています | yuki ga futteimasu |
I would like to rent some skis |
スキーをレンタルした いです |
sukii o rentaru shitai desu |
How much is to rent a snowboard? | スノーボードのレンタ ルはおいくらですか |
sunobodo no rentaru wa oikura desu ka? |
Lift pass | リフト券 | rifuto ken |
My shoe size is (__cm) |
靴のサイズは __です | kutsu no saizu wa __ desu |
Can I buy a lift pass? |
リフト券ください | rifuto ken kudasai |
My level is… (beginner/ intermediate/ advanced) |
私は (初級/中級/上級)です |
watashi wa (shokyu/chuukyu/ jyoukyu) desu |
Sledge | そり | sori |
Where is the onsen? |
温泉はどこにありま すか |
Onsen wa doko ni arimasu ka? |
It’s so cold | samusugiru desu |