Fun with Fireworks
The Japanese summer just wouldn’t be the same without falling asleep in front of the annual High School baseball tournament (p.8), getting drunk in beer gardens (p.20) and craning your neck at some of the spectacular fireworks displays held across Kansai (p.26). The Biwako display may be one of the biggest, but you will find smaller, though equally as impressive shows in Osaka (Yodogawa) and Kyoto (Uji) too. You can also create your own show with a set of hand-held fireworks in the park or a friend’s back yard. Great fun for kids of all ages. When the sparks start flying, while it’s usually enough to voice your appreciation with oohs and aahs, you may want to use more descriptive language to impress your Japanese friends. Set the conversation alight with these sparklers.
Expressions | |
数え切れないほどありますね Kazue kirenai hodo arimasu ne |
There’s too many to count |
色鮮やかですね Iro azayaka desu ne |
The colors are beautiful! |
花火大会は何時から始めますか Hanabi taikai wa nan ji kara hajimemasu ka? |
What time does the show start? |
日本の花火は素晴らしい Nihon no hanabi wa subarashii |
Japanese fireworks are amazing! |
公園で手持ち花火で遊びませんか Koen de omochya-hanabi de asobimasen ka? |
Let’s play with handheld fireworks in the park |
この花火大会は今までで一番よかった Kono hanabi taikai wa ima made de ichiban yokatta |
That was the best fireworks display I have ever seen |
Vocab | |
花火 Hanabi | Fireworks |
花火大会 Hanabi taikai | Firework display |
線香花火 Senkou hanabi | Type of sparkler |
ロケット花火 Rocketto hanabi | Rocket fireworks |
手持ち花火 Temochi hanabi | Hand-held fireworks |