Kids stuff
Anyone that has kids here in Kansai will know that when taking them to any park or public attraction, there will be an army of local mums (and sometimes dads to be fair) eager to know all about you and your little ones. While you won’t be expected to engage them in a deep discussion about global issues, it is only polite that you should at least be able to offer a few basic facts about your kids and be able to ask questions about theirs. Networking with other parents can be just as important as business networking, especially if you have recently arrived here with kids in tow and need to get some first-hand information. Never underestimate the power of the mummy collective.
Expressions |
子供さんのお名前はなんですか Kodomo-san no onamae wa nan desu ka |
What is your son/ daughter’s name? |
いくつですか Ikutsu desu ka |
How old is he/she? |
どこの保育園に行かせてますか Doko no hoikuen e ikasetemasu ka |
Which pre-school do they go to? |
旦那さんは日本人ですか Danna-san wa nihonnjin desu ka |
Is your husband Japanese? |
ご近所さんですか Gokinjyo-san desu ka |
Do you live locally? |
予防接種はしましたか Yobosesshu wa shimashita ka |
Have you vaccinated your child? |
その靴はどこで買ったんですか Sono kutsu wa doko de kattan desu ka |
Where did you buy those shoes? |
Vocab |
息子 Musuko | Son |
娘 Musume | Daughter |
保育園 Hoikuen | Pre-school |
幼稚園 Yochien | Kindergarten |
小学校 Shogakko | Elementary School |
中学校 Chugakko | Junior High School |
高等学校 Kotogakko (koko) | High School |
予防接種 Yobosesshu | Vaccinations |