Talking about holiday plans
The first week of May features three consecutive national holidays that have become collectively known as Golden Week. Take a few additional days off either side and you are left with a fantastic opportunity to enjoy the spring weather and get out and explore. As long as you don’t mind the queues, traffic jams, and inflated prices that is. Be it at the hair salon, train station or office, there is often no escaping discussing your holiday plans in Japanese, even if you have no plans at all. Arm yourself with these common phrases and you’ll be golden.
ゴールデンウィークに何をしますか? Goruden Weeku ni nani o shimasu ka? |
What are you doing for Golden Week? |
家族と東京ディズニーランドへ行きます。 Kazoku to Tokyo Dizunee-rando e ikimasu |
I’m going to Disney-land in Tokyo with my family. |
特に何もしない。 Toku ni nanimo shinai. |
Nothing much. |
田舎で友達とキャンプします。 Inaka de tomodachi to kyampu shimasu. |
I’m going camping in the countryside with friends. |
お金がないから家でゴロゴロする。 Okane ga nai kara ie de goro goro suru. |
I can’t afford to do anything so I’m going to stay at home. |
彼氏と一緒にサイパンに行きます。 Kareshi to issho ni saipan ni ikimasu. |
I’m going to Saipan with my boyfriend. |
ゴールデンウィークはどこへ行っても人がいっぱい。 Goruden Weeku wa doko e it-temo hito ga ippai. |
Everywhere is very crowded during Golden Week. |
ホテルは全部満室になってしまう。 Hoteru wa zenbu manshitsu ni natte shimau. |
Hotels are all booked up. |