A wheely good theme this month
Osaka, Shinmachi — Notice a theme to this issue? From the stylish cover to the main features, you’ll see this month has become the cycling issue of Kansai Scene. Whether you love jumping in the saddle every weekend, or spend most days jumping out of the way of that crazy guy on the sidewalk, bikes are a fact of life in Kansai. Instead of a simple one-page nod to this, the KS team decided to approach the theme of cycling from as many different angles as possible. That’s why you’ll find pics of people on the streets with their bikes alongside an interview with a local bike craftsman this month. Look out for some more themed issues coming in the future. But if you don’t like bikes, don’t worry – there’s still plenty to read in our regular listings for Festivals, Events, Art, Music and Movies. The KS team has also added a few new sections this time too: check out Sports, Business Matters and Business Finder. Love it? Hate it? Drop the KS team a line any time.